Monday, January 7, 2013

Staying Uplifted & Free From Negativity

How well are you buckled in for life's wild ride? Are you holding steady or getting thrown around?
When the road is bumpy, are you resilient or battered? When it is smooth, are you grateful or oblivious?
And, just as importantly, what are you modeling for your kids in the navigating of life?
For most of us, it is the fundamental challenge of our lives to find our center through difficult times while savoring the joyful moments. When hurdles emerge out of nowhere, it is common to feel a loss of control. However, we have more control than we think.
Stress is a given, regardless of one's circumstances; it can vary in severity and disruptive effects, but we can sharpen our skills to remain resilient and calm, discharge anxiety and helplessness, do our best navigating and appreciate all that is positive in our midst.
By no means an exhaustive list, here are 12 tips for staying positive, regardless of the special challenges you may face at any given phase of your journey.

1. Breathe with awareness. Life is a gift, and each breath is a new manifestation of that gift and the power you have to nurture yourself in the here and now.
2. Relax and commit to less "doing," more "being." Meditation teaches, "you are at the center of your own inner peace." Discover what you need and give it to yourself. Meditate, rest, just be.
3. Move your body, make it fun. When exercise is enjoyable, we are more apt to do it consistently. Consider activities you used to love or never tried, such as a team sport, dance or zumba, yoga (you can try it in a chair) or tai chi practice; hiking, biking, running, walking ... diversify and enjoy.
4. Accept, rather than resist, the challenges that life deals. See possibilities hidden within them; what is it you are needing to learn? Value the blessing of growth that accompanies adversity and transforms suffering.
5. Limit negative influences on your mood and mindset. Notice negative thinking patterns and change them. Immerse yourself in positive books, quotes, music, workshops, websites, wellness practices, and self-talk. (Two book suggestions: "How To Make Every Day A Friday" by Joel Osteen, and "Happier" by Tal Ben-Shahar)
6. Manage your daily dose of negative news bombardment. Drink in positive and inspiring stories. Learn how others have overcome great obstacles and pain.
7. Consciously associate with positive people. Set boundaries with people who are negative or draining; limit (or eliminate) contact if it is toxic to your well-being.
8. Ask, "what brings me joy?" Make time for your passions, appreciate simple pleasures. Laugh! Prioritize positive, nourishing experiences.
9. Spirituality, stillness and nature: Connect with your own path of spirituality, wholeness, meaning, and purpose. Tune in to nature for lessons on the universe and its mystery, power, transformation, and healing. See that you are part of something infinite. Cultivate hope.
10. Expand your gratitude for all that is good in your day, your week, your life. Notice the simple and the profound. Shine your love light on family, friends, pets ... and yourself. Consider a gratitude journal.
11. Experience community. Give generously when you can — time, support, caring, smiles, warmth, nurturing — and let yourself receive such blessings.
12. Do your best, know that it is enough, let go. Your "best" is not an absolute, but will vary from day to day; when you are sick, or stressed, or overwhelmed your best will be different, but it is still your best for today. Relinquish impossible standards and give yourself credit for your effort to do the best you can in any situation.

Life offers no guarantees of predictability despite our very best efforts. In fact, the one certainty is uncertainty. Cultivating strategies for staying positive can enrich and strengthen us for the difficult, uphill climbs, and can enable us to be truly grateful whenever we have, however briefly, the luxury of easy coasting. May your own life journey be a positive unfolding of resilience and growth, joy and peace.

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